JoAnne's Journey in Romania

JoAnne went to Romania with AIESEC to the Romania- Discover Romania program in July 2018. Here’s what she says about her time in Romania:

AIESEC experience in Romania was wonderful, working in an Orphanage and providing sessions to children living there. AIESEC in Romania provided well-rounded support and Romania did not feel unsafe to go to. All other participants in the program were amazing.

Discover Romania is a program designed to help children in child-care centers or orphanage through English-teaching sessions and spending time with children. The program does not currently have openings for Summer 2019 but if you are interested, please fill out the interest form here.

If you are interested in the program and would like to personally speak to JoAnne about her experience, specify during your consultancy meeting with an AIESEC manager and we will arrange contact for you after the meeting.