Application Process


Apply to any of our programs through the apply now link and fill out all necessary information required in the forms.  Or click our “Apply for Program” button in the top right for easier access.


A member from AIESEC USC should contact you after you schedule a time slot at the Google Calendar site, linked in the typeform. Consultations are strongly recommended for guidance through the application process as well as matching applicants to the most suitable opportunities.

Skype Interview with AIESEC International: 

Depending on the program and the location you have applied to, you will be asked to do a short Skype interview with a program manager in the partner AIESEC city where the program is located. 

Confirm and Pay:

After the partner country has accepted you to the program, you will have to pay the $550 program fee within a week of acceptance to secure your spot in the program. If any discounts apply, you will be reimbursed by AIESEC USC after your payment is successful. 

Purchase your flight tickets and Apply for VISA: 

Once your payment is successful and you are approved, you can start purchasing your flight ticket and apply for a visa to the country if applicable! Visas vary among programs to be sure to ask your AIESEC USC manager before you apply for the visa!